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Radio Silence

Quiet on the blog over the holidays

Martok reporting, sorry it has been quiet on the blog lately. My humans and I took a short trip up the coast to see some of my friends.  They have a big yard to play in.  I got to go out to breakfast where the other humans fed me.  There was also a trip to the beach.  

Golden Retriever
Sheba Inu
Iisbar (Ice Bear)

There was a tree inside the house​!

What a great idea, put a tree in the house so I don’t have to go outside.  Problem is when I tried to pee on it I got in trouble.  Humans can be so confusing.

When we got back to our house, my humans decided to take out all the furry floor in a room and put in stones and wood. I don’t know what I’m going to dig in now, I was just getting it fluffed up.  They worked really hard on it and kept making me stay out.  There were complaints about me getting paint on my ears or stepping in sticky stuff and tracking it around the house.  I reminded them to not work too hard by leaving a toy for them.

dog toy on baby gate
I left my newest toy for my humans

Things should be getting back to normal and will I continue telling everyone about the places I’ve traveled to and the things I’ve seen.


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