All of our Great Danes have been forced into the life of a balloonist. Our 4th Dane, Martok went to his first balloon rally, one of our favorite rallies each year, the Panguitch Valley Balloon Rally. Panguitch is a small town in southern Utah not far from Bryce Canyon. During this year’s rally, smoke from fires in Brian Head had been choking the town days. However, on the weekend of the rally the air seemed to clear out although smoke was still visible in the distance.
Accuracy not speed is key in balloon competitions
A friendly competition takes place on 2 of the 3 days of flying. While I had a pretty good throw between the legs of the X, somehow my baggie didn’t get counted and someone who didn’t even throw got awarded one of the top spots. I think it was confusion between #6 or #9 on the baggie. Oh well, living in an 18 foot trailer for 10 weeks doesn’t give us much extra room for collecting stuff (i.e. prizes) on the road.

Martok seemed less impressed by the balloons and more interested in chasing grasshoppers on the launch field.