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I’m a southern California pup so I don’t do cold well or often. At least once a year my humans and I take a trip to a place that is cold, Gallup, New Mexico in December. You can read more about Gallup on this blog post. When we visited this year, there wasn’t any snow and it wasn’t as cold as it can be that time of year but it was still below freezing in the mornings. I have a hand-me-down Fido Fleece (thanks K’Ehleyr) which keeps me warm. I think my neck could use more cover and might ask for a neck warmer for next year. Too much time in the cold makes me shiver but my warm truck is close by for me to hide from the cold in. I can still keep tabs on what my humans are doing from there.

So, do Great Danes like cold weather?
I don’t like the cold and Selar didn’t but I’m told that K’Ehleyr loved the snow. My aversion to cold isn’t entirely because I’m a wussy dog. Great Danes don’t grow a winter coat like some dogs and we naturally have low body fat. While a good run in the snow can be fun, make sure to keep your Great Dane buddy warm and don’t let them stay out too long in the cold.

It isn’t just the season for cold weather, it is also time for the holidays. And Great Danes enjoy the holidays as much as you do. Here are some ideas we can do together. Have fun and stay warm.

Products to help keep your Great Dane warm in the winter:
The Fido Fleece I have is no longer available but Ruffwear and other brands have a wide variety of jackets.
A dog snood or hood is great to keep a Great Dane’s long neck warm.
Paws need protection too. That can be in the form of booties or paw balm
The American Veterinary Medical Association as some more winter pet safety tips.