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Morning walk at Calico Ghost Town

10 reasons daily walks lead to a happier Great Dane

Martok never lets us forget when it is time for his daily walks or walkies. Since we have no yard it is essential he gets two walks per day in addition to the requested pee break he asks for by whining, usually as soon as I sit down to do some work. But even if your Great Dane has a yard there are other benefits of walks.

1. Walking is exercise. 

Regular long walks burn calories off your pup that could easily turn to pudge if you both lived a more sedentary life. Being giant-breed dogs, Great Danes already face enough health challenges, don’t let being overweight compromise their health.

2. It’s a great time to train. 

That trip around the block is a perfect opportunity to pause and practice a “sit,” “down,” and “come!” With tasty treats as a reward, your dog certainly won’t be upset to interrupt the walk for a few moments of training review along the way. We have always taught our Danes to sit at curbs before crossing roads. Off leash areas allow us to work on his recall training.

Great Dane on dirt trail in field for an off- leash daily walk

3. Inspiration heads off boredom. 

Oh, the smells, the sounds, and the things to see! When you give your pup new things to experience, it’s less likely your bored-at-home dog will turn into a destructive dog. You’ll both return from a great walk happy, tired, and more likely to contentedly rest at home.

sleeping Great Dane with head over the end of the dog bed

4. A tired dog is a better behaved dog. 

If a dog lacks the opportunity to burn off their joyful energy with structured exercise, of course all that natural canine curiosity can turn into watchful barking at imagined dangers outside the living room window, or chewing on your good shoes to pass the time.

5. Emotional health. 

Your Great Dane doesn’t love walks just because it’s fun to go outside. That walk is with YOU! Walking is a strong bonding experience between you and your canine partner. It’s a daily adventure you share together. Martok likes both his humans to go with him which also gives us quality time away from distracting devices.

Great Dane and puppy playing in dry grass

6. Opportunities to meet new friends. 

If your dog enjoys contact with other dogs and people, a walk or a trip to the dog park means discovering new friends and a great chance to play and learn good social behavior.

7. Daily health check. 

It might seem icky, but if you are picking up your pup’s poop in public areas, you have a daily insight into their health that you might not get if you just let your dog out for a short unsupervised squat in your fenced yard. A loose stool or a constipated dog might be a heads-up that a trip to the veterinarian is in order.

8. Healthy joints for a long and active life. 

A Great Dane really needs to stretch those legs for longer than a short game of tug in the house or a quick trip to the yard. A long walk gets all of your dog’s muscles and joints moving. Healthy joints are especially important with Great Danes.

9. A well-regulated digestive and urinary system. 

When you provide your dog with regularly scheduled walks that are long enough to allow your dog to empty bowels and bladder completely, your dog won’t be uncomfortably holding a full bladder until the next opportunity to go outside. Besides Martok always needs to check on and reply to all the ‘pee-mail’ in the neighborhood.

10. Most importantly, a healthy you.

You are the center of your dog’s happiness. Your daily walks together also help you stay fit. You’ll have more energy for at-home attention and play with your Great Dane, your friends, and your family. 

Happy dog, happy life!

Tips on the best collars or harnesses for Great Danes.

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