Zion National Park
There is only 1 dog friendly trail in Zion National Park. Dogs cannot ride the park shuttle. Be prepared for large crowds much of the year.
Parks and Monuments rated as 2 paw parks allow dogs to be within 100 feet of roads or pavement. These parks may up to one pet friendly trail.
These restrictions will limit your exploration of the park or monument.
There is only 1 dog friendly trail in Zion National Park. Dogs cannot ride the park shuttle. Be prepared for large crowds much of the year.
Pipe Spring National Monument has 2 trails. One paved and pet friendly, one dirt and not pet friendly. The park has lots of history going back 12,000 years.
Death Valley National Park gets a 2-paw rating. While it has 6 roads, mostly dirt, where you can walk your dog, there is only 1 official pet friendly trail.
Cabrillo National Monument gets a 2-paw rating for having 1 dog friendly trail and dogs are also allowed in the tide pool area.