Arches and Canyonlands National Parks
Arches and Canyonlands National Parks get 1 paw ratings for pet friendliness. They are not pet friendly and have no pet friendly trails.
Parks rated as 1 paw parks allow dogs only on roads and paved areas. Additionally they are not to be left unattended in a vehicle for very long or at all.
Many National Parks fall in the 1 paw rating category. You can still visit these parks with your dog but your activities will be extremely limited. While there are no official pet trails there may be little used roads that you can walk with your pet.
Arches and Canyonlands National Parks get 1 paw ratings for pet friendliness. They are not pet friendly and have no pet friendly trails.
Natural Bridges National Monument gets a 1-paw rating, there are no pet-friendly trails. Pets are allowed at the 12 overlooks and 2 bridge views.
Craters of the Moon, Hagerman Fossil Beds and Minidoka are 3, one paw rated parks in southern Idaho. Dogs are not very welcome and there are no pet trails.
Canyon de Chelly National Monument does not have any pet friendly trails. There are 10 overlooks along the 2 scenic drives which pets are welcome at.