I’m going to apologize in advance that this is a rather short but serious and somber post about veterinary costs. Vet bills are something we all have to face at some point. Hopefully they are just the usual wellness costs and not emergency or critical care bills. We unfortunately, have had to deal with critical care twice. The first time was Varel’s hemangiosarcoma and the second was K’Ehleyr’s osteosarcoma. Each time we were in the position of taking on a significant amount of debt. While I was spending way too much time in the Veterinary Specialty Hospital waiting room, I found a brochure for the FACE foundation.
This organization was established by veterinarians and others in the San Diego community to provide financial grants to pet owners who can’t afford critical care for their pets who have a good chance of recovery if treated. They work with over 165 veterinary hospitals in San Diego county. Their vision is: “to create a world where no family pet dies due to financial hardship”. In other words, to eliminate economic euthanasia.

While I never did apply for assistance, it was an option I strongly considered. Ultimately we refinanced our condo to deal with the debt but not all pet owners have that ability or option.
I just wanted to give a shout out to them for the 2300 pets they have helped. When I have the means, they will certainly be a charity I will donate to.

End of public service announcement, go hug your dog.