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Dog booties protected K’Ehleyr during her favorite activity, digging
For those of you who travel and especially hike with your dog(s), you might want to consider having some dog booties available. I’m not talking about the cute little tennis shoes and they don’t need to be fancy all terrain boots. The boots K’Ehleyr is wearing are a simple vinyl sock with a felt interior and velcro strap. We all know how hot an Arizona parking lot in summer can get but just try convincing a stubborn Dane that she needs to walk faster when she doesn’t want to. She didn’t notice the heat and it took over a day for the blisters to show up but once they did she couldn’t walk without the boots protecting her paws as well as keeping them clean and covered in wound balm.
I always keep them in my pet’s first-aid kit, you might want to add them to yours.